Thursday, May 14, 2009

We're Moving to Oklahoma!

Today Travis officially accepted a job offer to be the new Exective SPORTS Producer at KWTV (CBS) CH.9 in Oklahoma City! He will be covering sports throughout Oklahoma and helping the station expand its sports department. Travis LOVES sports so this is a natural fit for him and he's excited to get started!

However, we both have mixed feelings about the move, because we both love living in Annapolis and working in DC. Still we both trust that the Lord has opened this door for a reason! These last few months, we've seen many of our friends lose their jobs due to the economy and despite an intensive job search on the east coast, neither of us have found anything that's full-time. We're extremely grateful that Travis will now have a job...and it's one he'll really enjoy!

A little background---Travis lost his job mid-March when Tribune Broadcasting shut down its DC bureau and laid off the entire staff. Then last month, Mindy lost her freelance reporter position with WBAL (NBC) when the Baltimore station cut its remaining freelance staff. Since then, we have both been freelancing part-time for stations in DC....Travis with CBS News and Mindy at FOX. However, even freelance opportunities are taking a hit with the economy and the work isn't consistent.

We had already been considering moving to Oklahoma prior to our job losses in order to be closer to family. Mindy's family lives in Oklahoma and Travis' is in Dallas. Plus, Mindy's mom and Travis' dad will be going through surgeries for health reasons this summer, and we really wanted to be closer.
In addition, we both intend to go back to school. Considering the economic situation, we believe this is the ideal time!

We are still finalizing plans but it appears that we will be making our big cross country move sometime next week!! We hope to stop and see family/friends along the way, so we hope to reach Oklahoma by the weekend of May 29th.

Mindy will be job hunting in OKC, but in the short-term she has been offered a contract job with the local U.S. Attorneys Office. We both hope to jump right into our new jobs by the beginning of June since we've been 'unemployed' for a few months.

We will be sad to leave the east coast, but we both believe this is a NEW chapter in our lives and we're excited to see where the Lord leads us. We hope to buy a house, start a family and enjoy a more 'normal' work schedule and sleep pattern!

Travis, a die hard Texas fan, says that this move is PROOF that God has a sense of humor!!!Never in his wildest imagination would Travis have ever thought he'd marry a Sooner and then find himself moving to Oklahoma!


Anonymous said...

Mindy thats awesome!! Congratulations you two!! Now just two more reason I need to come visit after Bailey/ Layla is born!! Love you guys
Take Care
Lauren Claudio

neubiewaters said...

Very exciting! Maybe we'll see you this summer in OKC. I think we'll be meeting Renee and Larry at your parents house in July. How's your mom doing? Been praying for her.
Erin Waters

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful news about the job offer. I'm also happy you will me closer to your parents. Good luck with the move... I feel your pain. You both are in my thoughts and prayers! Miss you dp

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys are getting settled!! Lets try chatting again this week. DP

PS do you have a new address?